Forms & Downloads
Everything you need with regards to Forms, Reference or Merit Badges
We have done our best to provide all the necessary links that will be needed throughout your scouting career. Should you come across somethings that has not been referenced below please let the webmaster know so we can get it added.
Click here for the BSA Medical Forms and Colorado Addendum
For Denver Area Council medical form requirements click here.
Complete parts A & B for all events lasting less than 72 hours.
Complete parts A, B, & C for all events lasting more than 72 hours.
Complete parts A, B, C & D for high adventure programs.
Troop Meetings
Application for Troop Position - at election time, use this form to apply for a leadership position
Troop Meeting Plan for the PLC - this plans the weekly troop meeting
Troop Positions - a description of the leadership positions in the troop
Akela Award Form for Webelos - as a Webelo Scout, begin earning the requirements, then finish the requirements in Boy Scouts
Akela Award Presentation - script for presenting an Akela Award.
Bridging Webelo Scouts into Troop 12 - script for bridging ceremony.
New Patrol Program for Webelos - the Trail to Tenderfoot - fast track program
Insignia Placement - where to put all those badges and patches!
Honors and special recognition placement
Adult Safety Training - adult training, Youth Protection
Knot Tying - animated lessons on knot tying for scouting
Orienteering - Peakview Orienteering Course
Pines Of The Rocky Mountains - print a copy for your backpack!
Scout Terms - understanding the language of scouting
Tree Finder - distinguish those trees
Troop 12 Mobilization Plan - E-Prep
Camping Forms & Lists
Campfire Program Planner - for camp leaders to plan your campfire
Camping Checklist - a comprehensive packing list
Campout Daily Planner - for leaders, plan your day on camp
Campsite Inspection - here's how your camp site will be rated
Duty Roster - and shopping list combined
Inventory List - a comprehensive list of on hand items at storage sheds (this is an Excel file, it will download-- not open for viewing)
Leave NO Trace - a good way to protect the backcountry is to remember ....leave no trace
Patrol Box Inventory - for Quartermasters, what should be in a patrol box
Permission Slip - can't find the permission slip? Print this generic version
Troop 12 Campership Policy- Fund to provide financial assistance for Troop 12 Scouts.
Scout Binder - a.k.a White Binder
Helpful Hints on keeping all your records in order
Web Links
Scouting in Colorado - WikipediA
Scout Ranks and Advancement - everything to know
Scouter - more than 12,000 Links to Scouting pages!
Scouting - National Council of the Boy Scouts of America website
Scouting Awards You Can Earn - adult and youth awards
Tahosa Lodge - our Order of the Arrow Lodge website
The Fourteener Club - find and climb those Fourteeners!
U.S. Scouting Service Project - the Scouting Web Portal
Path to Eagle
Eaglescout.org - dedicated to helping Scouts become Eagle Scouts
Life to Eagle - Step by Step - Centennial District
Merit Badge
Scouts can make a request and the Troop 12 librarian can bring the Merit Badge book to the Troop meeting.
You can also review the Merit Badge Info page HERE to connect with a Troop 12 Merit Badge Councilor.
U.S. Scouting Service Project pages with details and downloads for all badges
Here's an unofficial guide to the difficulty of each badge
The form to indicate for which merit badges you would like to be a counselor
Scoutbook for Parents - A short walk through on how to login and use scoutbook as a parent and scout. While this video was produced by another Troop the information is directly relevant.​
Scoutbook for Leaders and Merit Badge Counselors​​